BJJ star slams sponsorships from PED Providers: Normalizing and condoning PED use sets a dangerous precedent

BJJ competitor Tarik Hopstock has criticized the recent open endorsement of PED use that has been prevalent in BJJ. Hopstock expressed his concerns in a post on social media, stating:

“While PEDs have long been an issue in sports, including jiu-jitsu, it is essential to recognize that just because something has been widespread in the past does not mean it should be accepted. The argument that ‘it’s fair if everyone does it’ is fundamentally flawed. Even if PED usage appears to create a level playing field, it ultimately undermines fair competition and jeopardizes athletes’ health. True fairness in competition stems from skill, technique, and natural ability. Although the idea of athletes being transparent about their PED usage might seem commendable initially, it poses significant problems. Normalizing and condoning PED use sets a dangerous precedent, pressuring athletes to compromise their health and integrity.”

“Addressing PED usage in jiu-jitsu is undoubtedly challenging without the support of a governing body. However, there are steps we can take as athletes, parents, coaches, consumers, and brands to combat this issue. Educating ourselves and others about the dangers of PEDs, promoting clean competition, supporting drug testing initiatives, and holding individuals and organizations accountable are crucial measures we can implement.”

“While this message may not single-handedly transform the sport, if it can prevent even one young athlete from making a detrimental decision regarding PED usage, then it has achieved its purpose and made a positive impact.”

Hopstock’s remarks follow another viral post from Craig Jones and his team. Jones openly disclosed his PED use, allegedly revealing his ‘stack’ in his own post, which includes testosterone, nandrolone, oxandrolone, and tadalafil.

This isn’t the first time Jones had specific suggestions for his fans. He once had a humorous take on benefits of anavar.

This revelation came after a viral clip from the podcast “Jibber with Jabber,” in which Jones shared a humorous anecdote from early in his career, recounting an incident when he unknowingly signed up for EBI Absolutes and resorted to purchasing PEDs in Mexico.

The endorsement of PED providers is not a new phenomenon in BJJ. Gordon Ryan has frequently promoted ways2well, a TRT clinic endorsed by Joe Rogan, despite concerns about its lack of medical expertise.

While PEDs have been a presence in BJJ for decades, there has historically been a stigma attached to their use, with sponsors attempting to distance themselves from competitors who test positive. Currently, the IBJJF is one of the few organizations that tests for PEDs, albeit only in select competitions and only within the black belt division.

The promoter of ADCC has openly supported PED use and asserted that the organization will not attempt to curb its usage. According to Jasim, the prohibitive costs and questionable effectiveness of testing justify ADCC’s decision not to conduct PED testing on competitors.

“My issue with the IBJJF testing models, apparently they only test the champions. So how do you know that the other podium people aren’t on this stuff? Generally speaking, ADCC has never dr*g tested. It’s not even on my radar. And I understand that a lot of people get upset about it and I understand where they’re coming from. ”

MMA analyst Luke Thomas had a nuanced take on Craig Jones’ revelation.

With the sport’s biggest star experiencing health issues potentially linked to PED use, it is intriguing to observe the shifting public opinion regarding the stigmatization of PEDs in BJJ.

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